But democracy is a la mode now. Democracy need not be but this is the version we’ve been using most often in USA. And the dictatorship within the two parties is not nearly as “pre-determined” by the elites in the parties as you might think. First of all, what is democracy and what is dictatorship? Democracy distributes the gains of progress while dictatorship concentrates them with the despotic ruler. Democracy is considered as the best form of government because: ♦ The rulers for the country is directly elected by people. Democracy and violence are incompatible while dictatorship is born out of bloodshed. Whereas democracy thrives on freedom, a dictatorship thrives on oppression. 8. First of all there is no test, that everyone agrees on, for whether a particular system is a democracy or not. 9. Democracy and dictatorship are two types of rule over a country. A dictator enjoys an absolute rule over a country or a state. asked Aug 24, 2018 in Class X Social Science by navnit40 ( -4,939 points) outcomes of democracy The best dictatorship would be one where lots of heads would roll and government would prevent any economic growth. Any dictatorship would be better than modern democracy. Democracy is a government by the people, for the people and of the people. There are often human rights issues involved with dictatorships, making them considerably more difficult to live in than a democracy. In other words democracy is a system which gives power to each and every citizen to actively participate in the government of the country. 6. Democracy is welfare oriented while dictatorship is power oriented. Why Democracies are better than Dictatorships A country’s regime has an effect on its inhabitants where countries, irrespective of their development levels depend on the regimes for social performance issues. The person, who has complete power over a country, is called a dictator. Hope it helps you! Democracy is better because you are free to do whatever you want within a country! ♦ It make us allow to correct our mistakes. On the other hand, in a democracy, the choice to create laws is with the people. 7. 5. examples are: Canada, The United States of America, Sweden, most of the Caribbean, and most of the world. There cannot be such an incompetent dictator that he would show more stupidity than a majority of the people. ♦ Its the government for the people, by the people. Why is a democratic government considered better than dictatorship ? Every system separates citizens from their money, bosses them around to some degree, keeps delinquents in line and generates its own statues, myths, and public holidays. The importance of democracy lies in the fact, that currently there are 123 democratic nations in a world of 192 countries. Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series Issue 2/2013 „ACADEMICA BRÂNCUȘI” PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 - 6051 38 WHY DEMOCRACY IS BETTER THAN DICTATORSHIP Flavius-Cristian MĂRCĂU Ph.D. Student As near as we can tell, democracy offers no particular improvement over monarchy, theocracy, or even dictatorship. Voice 10 Ways Trump Is Becoming a Dictator, Election Edition The closer the president gets to election day, the bigger the threat he poses to U.S. democracy. Democracy is a way of life but dictatorship is a way of crushing life. There are no competitive elections held, so therefore no chance of unseating the dictator.
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