Luni is still alive, but doesn’t like her tank anymore. I think you are the very first reader here to use the stun and stab method. Thanks for sharing the suggestion about Assassin snails, that is a great way to all those tiny snails that quickly breed up in tanks! Thank you for the advice and with all remedies for bladder problems exhausted, there was no other options to explore. I came across this article and it helped reassure me that i wasn’t a monster for ending his suffering. Note: This is for fish less than 4 inches in length, increase the amount of drops for larger fish. I personally upgraded his food and did a very diligent and careful one week of low dose salt water baths in a hospital tank. Thanks in advance! Considering the average lifespan of goldfish in aquariums is 5-10 years, it sounds like you have given them an amazing life. I thought that if it was something going on inside from the fall I would have noticed right away but maybe something slowly crept up? But if you have to do it, I want you to do it correctly so that your fish does not suffer. What do you think of larger tropical fish (like farmed tilapia)? I then had to resort to complete water change, and had to use conditioned tap water. I’m sorry to hear about Max. While I’d love for that to not be the case, I would be doing readers a disservice by pretending it doesn’t exist. My son raised him from a fingering but fish surgery, while available in our area, is both logistically and financially impossible for us. We’ve never had a tank fight before and these fish have been together for about a year, but that seems to be what happened. When Breeding fish: When breeding fish, especially for selective characteristics of fancy goldfish, discus or guppies, we sometimes have to euthanize or cull the fry which do not seem to be good candidates for reaching adulthood. Dropsy. I have had him for 6yrs. It keeps laying at the bottom of the tank and only when I try to touch it does it quickly swim up to the surface to get a breath of air. It’s unlikely that your goldfish had a rock stuck in it’s mouth, especially if you didn’t see it with a manual inspection. But we have nothing to gain from causing them pain in it, really. It may sound gruesome, but it’s a useful skill to have. Perhaps the wound has got infected (but no sign of this) He has been lying on the floor of the tank for 2 days now. Got the standard tropical fish food n also the dried blood worms. I cannot believe that this is said by some crank to be painless! Hi mate I shot my fish with my air gun straight through the head do you think it would of suffered ? I see it treats many external and internalal bacteria diseases and it talks about something called hemorrhagic septicemia which is an infection that caused red blood patches in the gills and localized swelling which makes sense since she suffered a major fall! although i could do without the stun and stab!!! but in a matter of a short time (1 1/2 weeks or so ) the growth has taken over most of his side and his gills have started getting dark. Today I will euthanise my betta fish. I think you’re probably right about the stinging…the water was 2/3 from the tank he’d been in and one third new (conditioned) water. It sounds like your fish may have had columnaris, but it’s really difficult to diagnose diseases online. However, some individuals think that this method may cause discomfort to your fish. I have a hefty15″ long albino channel cat that got injured somehow . Hence the name. Just drifting off to sleep. I highly advise that you kill the snails. He is about 3 inches long w/ a magnificent tail. The only issue was that, about 30 seconds after adding the clove oil, she started spasming for 15 seconds before calming down again and eventually falling asleep. When the water they live in gets cold, their body temperature starts to cool. What is it with snails? (I only wanted one nerite snail because I was sick of all the white eggs/dots everywhere. I’ve had a sunburst wag platy for 3 years now, and she’s gone through 4 pregnancies. Any thoughts? Ate all his friends years ago. I had spent £450+ in various attempts to save her but in the end it was obvious she wasn’t going to get better. In the meantime, thanks everyone for your shared experience. She’s been like this for 7 days. He hasn’t eaten in six days. After 2 weeks in a hospital tank with frequent water changes, she decided to stop eating. Add the clove oil mixture to the container with your fish and wait. However, if you can’t do it, is it possible you know someone who would do it for you? Can anyone help? Option 1: Clove Oil. As long as I (or my sister) have a Betta, I’ll be sure to have some on hand. They will have it! I know you don’t control that. Unfortunately, I cannot make that call – only you can. I just had to put down my approx 4 year old betta and used the straight clove oil method. He did seem to fight it a bit around the ten minute mark (thought he was passed out, but then started to move around in a twitching motion), are you aware of fish having residual movements as they pass? Are there any other things that could be causing this that I could treat or is euthanasia the best option? I think my angel fish swallowed a snail. This serves two purposes. I am crying. Please help. Hello, Thanks for the tip. How to Start the Nitrogen Cycle in your Tank, A solo cup/An old tupperware/Something disposable and small, but large enough that your fish will fit. Content found on is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice. After 12 years, that must have been so hard to say goodbye – they basically become a member of the family. I have done everything from fasting to jungle cure with kanaplex and after her getting better then worse and better and worse I found something called fin and body cure by api. There may come a time when you need to kill your beloved pet fish. I have been keeping fish for over 30 years. I purchased him to keep me company at work, then brought him home a year ago when the office was being painted. That’s why most aquarium owners choose to do the dirty deed themselves. I even had a ‘fish sitter’ when I took a vacation! I have a neon tetras with neon tetras disease, I removed him from the tank but another one is starting to become colorless, can I send in a picture and ask you if he’s infected? Very sorry to hear. It’s been laying on the bottom sideways for 2 days breathing fast. I’m sure he lived an amazing life and I’m glad that he went painlessly. Kusuri Koi Sedate is a more controllable substance than clove oil in my opinion. Losing one fish is never easy, much less 4. When the fish goes "belly up" it is asleep - not dead. I’m glad you found the information useful and that Bloaty was able to pass on with out suffering. I am happy to hear that she passed quickly and calmly. Any Ideas? I used the stun and stab method. It sounds like you have done all you can. When he’s not on the bottom corner he’s hiding behind the filter or the heater. 10 years ago I purchased a heater for her old bones and she became a new fish! Did the foil-bash-stab method. I am sorry to hear about your experience. I was dreading doing this but, as heartbreaking as … I’ve done my best to report what I know to be true, but I could be wrong for all I know! I used the clove oil and he went to sleep and died very quickly. That’s awesome. If that’s the case, I’m not sure there is a solution here except for the much more gruesome stun and stab method. I’m sorry to hear about Ruby’s passing. I gave Eve a last meal and did the deed. I kept removing them and put them in my old small tank (now known as the snail tank) that is still set up. Pls help.. Ty. I’m sorry to hear about your Tetra. It sounds like Girly was truly blessed to have an owner who cares as much about her as you did. God bless. Today I noticed that we have 2 fry (platy) swimming in the tank which is great! I saw that he had gotten a red underside and fins. I searched for a solution on line and everything pointed to various forms of fungus all with a very expensive remedy which stated that the remedy might not even work !!!! Be warned – if you have shaky hands or a weak stomach, you should probably stick to using clove oil and skip this second method. With that said, if you want to try for another round of medication, just in case, then go for it. I’m worried about him. If not, read this guide: Thank you for allowing me to give the kindest gift to my poor sick tetra. One thing I learned and wanted to share with others, was that (at least here in Wisconsin in the U.S.) the drug stores don’t always have it anymore (they used to carry oil of clove as a toothache remedy.) Thanks again for a great article and for the help! Thanks for sharing, it’s possible your fish has red pest disease – it matches the symptoms of red patches appearing. If you still see gill movement after 30 minutes, add more mixture. I don’t think the color changing is anything to worry about then. Otherwise it’s mood and nothing to worry about. I did the stun and stab and buried him with the rest of my passed pets in their area of the back garden. It didn’t make this easy by any means, but it did help it to feel like the right think to do. If you followed the steps in the article above, your fish should have passed as peacefully as possible. Or should I do the stun and stab after its unconscious from the clove oil (which I really wouldn’t have the stomach to do). I am not against eating fish, I mean, fish eat fish too. Unfortunately, euthanizing is a judgement call that only you can make, you know your fish better than anyone. Fish will usually die within three days of being put on the aquarium. Hello Ian Deciding when to let a beloved cat go is probably the most difficult decision cat owners have to make. However I wouldn’t suggest that this method is humane, there is too much room for error. Now, let’s look at a quicker way to euthanize. It worked straight away and there was no suffering. It helped me a lot. He would do a large yawning action every once and a while so i became concerned that he had a rock stuck in his mouth. Just used the clove method to put down 2 of my many platys that I’m almost 100% sure have fish TB :/. also thank you for the dose of humor in the article, i appreciated that! How To Euthanize a Fish Humanely. The clove oil method to euthanize your fish only requires that you purchase a small bottle of clove oil. What is going on with my poor S shaped guy? You do not have to go it alone. Common symptoms is a bent or curved spine and open wounds. I’m sorry to hear about your loss. My fish doesn’t need to be put to sleep yet, but it’s good to know I was right about flushing sometimes not instantly killing them. but I’m not sure he will pull through. I’m a little old fashioned and have not adapted to the internet very well so have avoided things like facebook and those other social things. Unfortunately I cannot tell you whether you should or shouldn’t put down your fish. I actually take care of Rutu all by myself. The goal is to minimize pain and suffering. I just wish I could find an article that would make this hurt less. If you mean euthanizing them, the steps in this guide should work just fine. I have this blue gourami. My elementary school had three goldfish which the entire class adored – Pickle Pants, Hot Wheels Barbie and Mr Orangey (Our class got to submit and vote on the names.). If it is dropsy, i’m sorry to say that it’s a disease very few betta come back from. I’m sorry to hear about Gills passing and your Cherry Barb, I hope you are doing okay. In the end it was either Darwinism (let him chase the other fish to death); Life in Prison (in tank on own forever); Or euthanasia. Clove oil as you’ve suggested to anesthetize the fish and then adding alcohol to euthanize it. I’m terribly sorry to hear about Eve. #1, he’s acting very lethargic. The idea is to pierce through the brain of your fish, which will kill it instantly. I believe it’s his swim bladder, and heaven knows what else. Even so, It may just be this fishes time to go. You mean well i know BUT nevertheless it is just wrong . We have a department fish, Mr.Fin (we work in Finance-and he has fins) who is at least 4 years old. – I cant tell how bad the sore was on his back, but it’s possible it was to the flesh, past the slime coat and scales and the clove oil stung (this is just a theory, I have never euthanized a fish with an open wound, I’ll need to follow up on this). While I appreciate your obvious passion on this touchy subject, murder and euthanasia are two very different things. He doesn’t look happy about it, does he? Nothing helped. He has also not grown at all since we got him. I’m very sure he doesn’t have swim blatter. I came across this website when trying to find out why we aren’t able to keep our daughters goldfish alive. It may be gruesome, but if you are hitting the head then I don’t see this as inhumane. Congratulations on being a responsible fishkeeper. Ice crystals form over their gills, which would be painful and is considered inhumane. He’s alone. Welcome to the database. If I take him out of the box he just goes back up to the surface. How to humanely euthanize a fish. I’m glad you were able to track down some clove oil and that the whole pocess went smoothly. The old tupperware can also be a bowl, small bucket, or any other vessel that’s large enough to hold a fish. Also, can it be wiped away (be gentle!) Also the tank was 1 1/2 gallon. I have a goldfish I’ve had for about 10 years, (ryunkin or however u spell it.) Hopefully Goldie and Blindie are able to pull through this. I used the clove oil method on him with upperdosages and it seemed like a very quiet and non stress ful way for him to go. I recently upgraded my tank, including new plants. Nothing happened. A quick search on the web reveals many ways that you can kill your pet fish. This article was very helpful, I have been taking care of axolotls for +10 years and one of just started to get sick and getting infections on his gills and it was killing me to watch him suffer. Since then he has seemed to really take a turn for the worse. Thank you for your advice. I have a pond goldfish (with 21 others) that I think is showing similar signs with the white cotton wool appearance on its back. Thanks for your thoughts, but I would advise against this. Of course, the first step is always to test the water for ammonia nitrite and nitrate and pH. It could be touch and go, but if they are still swimming around and acting otherwise normal, then it’s possible ich medication can save them. Good luck with adopting a mammal. He swims mainly near the surface and blows bubbles a lot. My Beta BLUE is suffering and I can’t get access to clove oil. The freezer method is a painless, but slow, method of euthanizing a fish. Tonight I knew if I let this go on he would be dead by morning. Instead, they prefer to let nature do its own thing and let the fish die on its own. Hi Dawn! You see, it works like the anesthetics that vets use, which are not available to the public. I dont want her to go thru anything else…shes a pretty fish n I will miss her swimming up into my hand. Thoughts? Have you read my guide on how to cure ich? Euthanizing is a horrible experience as it is, without seeing your fish show signs of stress. Feed him one pea a day until it is cleared up. Thank you for your advice. You know sassy best, the call is yours to make. Thanks for the recommendation of Kusuri Koi Sedate. Is there anything else that I could SUBSTITUTE? Sometimes, despite trying everything, we just can’t save our fishy friends. Is it a gout time to but him down? I don’t want to do this, but I don’t want him to be suffering with a bad eye, my other 3 are in the freezer, I’ve been trying to get them buried for a long time, maybe now they can all be together again, I cared a lot for my fish, they all got to be the size of a small mouth bass, but I enjoyed them many years. If you have tested your water parameters with a test kit, and everything is normal, and you have ruled out all treatable diseases then unfortunately there isn’t a whole lot you can do. I would really like to find out what this is and why it happened. It’s a painful and horrible way to go, your fish deserve better. It may take some time, but many aquarists find this the most comfortable method of euthanizing a sick or injured fish. Now in some instances, this might kill your fish outright. Fish come in all different shapes, sizes and, tolerances. Thank you for writing this article. After just losing my baby Luna I wish I was coming to you with better news but I need your advice. Take the shell off and break it into pieces the fish can eat and feed it to the fish. Then she went back to not being able to swim, very swollen, and laying on her side- I poured the powder in her tank and within minutes she wAs better. Thanks again n God bless. Leave it in God’s Hands not ours. I came around to thinking that they would never die and I must euthanize them and what would be the harm in that since I take care of them. My neighbor who has a pond and fish told me to just whack it over the head with a shovel. Wishing you all the best! He was tiny then..the only placo in a tank with crabs. I just tried the clove oil method for the first time and I’m horrified that before I reached step two (12 drops), my poor gourami was frantically swimming in circles and poking its head out of the water, obviously trying to jump out. There is literally a crease on his side from the way it is bent. You should still be able to use a bottle of clove oil to put down a fish of this size. euthanasia may have to happen. It is treatable and doesn’t mean he needs to be euthanized. Wishing you all the best! Flushing a fish does NOT kill it quickly. I put him in a small breeder tank half way down the tank so that the other fish would not stress him out but he hasn’t moved much and is still unable to swim down. Hope my thoughts help you and I know now that through this site I will have made the right decision and a big THANK YOU to Ian Sterling for having the forethought to start up this web site. Do you think I should try another round of another medication? We have had Bubbles, a goldfish, for four years. Not pleasant but, well… save the detail…must’ve worked instantly. I can’t get clove oil, because my parents won’t let me. I keep my water temperature around 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit. But it sounds like he might have a case of fin rot. At night, I feed him a “tank nibbler” n say “willie willie willllllieeee” n he comes out of the log n comes up to the top of the tank. Quick question. So I have this common pleco, about 7-8 inches, that isn’t doing too well. For more information, please refer to our Comment Policy. The culprit: I noticed one of the red platys has what looks like a cut on her side behind her fin and another on the other side near the top of her back. i used the eugenol tooth liquid which was all i could find (red cross brand tooth kit) and it worked like the clove oil. I’m worried that the clove oil won’t work, as it’s quite a big fish. Today I had to say goodbye to my almost 3 year old female Jack Dempsey. … It’s going to be hard whichever way you go. Can anyone else here with experience help Jaci out? This was excruciatingly painful to see. I believe after4 days my 2 year old Angel’s, Goldie and Blindie are not going to make it….they have a horrible parasite attacker and while look better after 2 repeated treatments, their little heads are now getting sores and they are not eating. Oh, and obviously throwing your fish in the freezer and waiting for it to ice over counts as inhumane. Saying goodbye is never easy, but rest assured that your little fishy will have passed peacefully. You see, it’s an oil. Stun and stab is the suggested method for dispatching fish you intend to eat. Spoiler Alert: Most of the Time, You Don’t Need to Euthanize Your Fish. My poor Anglefish has developed in the last 2 days red lines near the base of his dorsal fin & red streaks going into his tail & this morning when I woke up I noticed his lateral line is now red also. I agree. She’s floating at the top of the hospital tank, which is submerged in the larger fish tank. I just had to euthanize Marcello, my beautiful male betta. Low temperatures he gets red lumps. Trudy went peacefully n actually pretty quickly. Think of euthanizing as a mercy kill – rather than leaving your fish to die over days, possibly suffering. Thanks so much for your prompt reply! RO water on it’s own doesn’t have the trace elements needed for fish to be healthy and thrive. Fearing that she might infect the whole tank I put her down with some clove oil, and it worked. That’s the smell of fish pain more than it is the smell of fish. I consulted a fish expert when it started on it’s side and have been thawing organic peas and peeling them and hand feeding them mashed to it. I’ve had a hybrid orange parrot cichlid for 5 years now. This might be your only option if it is slowly dying and in pain. It puts your fish to sleep before killing it without suffering. I have called around and waiting on replys from some companys that supply this type of fish. These people have no regard for kindness. Read over these instructions before you attempt this technique. Thank you so much for your advice, my large orfe was suffering from dropsy and had not been well for some time. He hardly fought the net at all. Use hot water also, just like cleaning your Tupperware! My Betta fish was always a very small fish from the start, but now (after about 3 months), he is not eating, laying at the bottom of her tank, in the corner, and not going up for air at all. I do have a couple of thoughts, these may or may not be relevent. Thanks for your informative article. …In my unfortunate experiance with flounder, it seems like nothing ever kills them fast enough. Since my sister doesn’t feel that she can do it, I’ll also be euthanizing my poor fin nephew soon. It is best to wait for a minimum span of 30 minutes to check how well the method of how to euthanize a fish using clove oil has worked so far. I had to euthanize my 16 year old goldfish Hermione this evening. I have a trochus snail that is almost dead, do you know if this approach would work as humanely for a snail? Wow, 16 years? In many cases this is a sign of mental illness. She went to sleep as per the first steps then we put her to sleep. Google Translate does an exceptional job for many languages when it comes to translating content from english. Do you think he has a chance of recovery? I have tried everything because euthanizing her is the last thing I wanna do. I've heard people say, that they don't have pain receptors, and my dad usually just freezes 'em, but i think it takes too long. Sounds like you know exactly what you are doing. Wouldn’t it be better to humanely put your fish out of its misery? We have a goldfish that my daughter won at the fair. Ultimately, their whole body shuts down and they pass away peacefully and painlessly. I really didn’t want him to go, but I’m pretty sure he’s going to pass no matter what happens. I have a standard generic goldfish. THIS IS WHY THE WORLD IS SO MESSED UP. How to euthanize a fish with clove oil (preferred method) This method is the most effective and the easiest and for squeamish people. He was in a 167litre tank but has been moved to my 40litre quarantine tank with the same paramaters as the above tank. Fish surgery is possible, but it is rare to find someone willing to do it. Fish are a big thing to me on many levels. Some fish need to be kept in schools of a specific size while for others, to small a tank can set off territorial bullying. Thank you so much for this post. This morning a awoke to find something weird. I’m sorry, but I had to laugh at the name Leviathan, it’s a funny name for a small fish, like a Betta. I also do not claim to know everything. I bought a house in July that has a koi pond that came with 15 koi. Discuss your feelings with family members, friends, and your vet. His fins aren’t the pretties, his eyes are dim, color much darker, and now developing yukky white slime as well as staying pretty much to the bottom. What breed is your fish? I list in the article the two methods of euthanization I think are humane. I euthanized my fish with clove oil tonight. While I’m sorry to hear about your circumstances, I’m glad to hear you found success euthanizing your fish! Your email address will not be published. Your best bet is to google fish diseases then google photos of each and try and match them up. Hello Have you been testing your water with an aquarium test kit? i never knew the toilet method was inhumane, i never even considered it. We have a beautiful fan tail who developed a tumor on his head about 2 years ago, but was going ok. About 3 months ago his playmate in the tank started eating the tumor. He’s swirling around on top with slits in his fins. Is the clove oil “overdose” fairly reliable? . Well done on your part, it’s hard to make the decision and even more difficult to carry it out. If you want to be a fish keeper for life, this is all part of the job. I’m glad the process went smoothly. Then tried separating him out for a bit then reintroducing, but same behaviour. They were both fine until we noticed one of them had managed to wound himself on an ornament in the tank. Every name and commenter on this list I have reported to my local animal/aquatic no-kill rescue. Hey Ian. I was told to place a fish in a cup of water and into the freezer and they just fall asleep. I personally wouldn’t use clove oil on any fish that you do not plan on putting down. Put your fish in the ice water; Your fish will stop moving within 5-10 seconds; Cover the container with cling wrap. It’s really hard to say here. He’d been a bit lethargic and not skittish about much before then… I think I’ll have my husband do the “gruesome” method next time. Still they tolerated the parrot for the most part. 2 probs: wrestling him out of the tank, and finding the effective dosage. Disclaimer: All the fish in my tank are currently healthy and happy, so don’t worry! Fish. I would recommend posting a photo to an online forum for further advice. Thanks Ian. If your goldfish is swimming on his side, it sounds like swim bladder disease. Thank you for the information about clove oil. Suzen. Do you have any suggestions? Even the hardiest species of fish will succumb to prolonged exposure to stressful tank conditions. It was the hardest decision i ever made. Clove oil BURNS! A lot of people advocate this approach. The only positive thing you say is the dear fishes are in Heaven . What do I do? He was living with 2 other angel fish & 3 swordtails whom seem unaffected so far. My giant black moors right eye has become 4 to 5 times bigger than the other, I had to euthanize another one few years back, started with 4 moors an inch long 6-7 years ago, and now Meenie is the last one, they were eenie meeine miny and mo, I have all I need I just needed to know how many cloves drops to start, and then how many to send him on his way? so basically what is the best way to euthanize a fish before i make it my dinner. The thought of losing a beloved pet is really hard. Why people think that flushing a toilet will instantly kill a fish is beyond me. Put a lid on it and give the container a good shake, until the water turns a milky white color. This article has been very helpful should the need arise that I have to put him to sleep. It is always better to see them at the top rather than stuck on the ground in terms of air bladder, however with freezing (and the above options may not be an option!) If so, he may have seen his reflection in the glass and mistaken it for a predator. I decided to Google a humane method and thankfully found your wonderful help. How do we know what suffering is for a fish or that know as you say, they did not suffer? You must have been a wonderful owner! I’m glad that you did your own research on humane methods, your fishes passing will have gone easier because of it.
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