When Bassanio's choice is made, Portia prays in an aside for help in containing her emotions. Antonio is already more than willing to lend him. Answer: Bassanio’s friend felt very sad on parting from Bassanio. Bassanio takes this statement at face value, and agrees that Antonio is a nice man. BASSANIO This were kindness. She watches rapturously as Bassanio opens the lead casket and finds in it a picture of Portia, which, though beautifully painted, fails to do her justice, in Bassanio's opinion. Question 5. SHYLOCK This kindness will I show. Within these two months—that’s a month before 170 This bond expires—I do expect return Of thrice three times the value of this bond. What does Bassanio say to prevent Antonio from signing the bond? SHYLOCK. 165 And say there is much kindness in the Jew. BASSANIO This were kindness. Shylock does this not out of kindness but as part of a greater plot. I’ll rather dwell in my necessity. How did Bassanio’s friend feel on parting from Bassanio? Answer: Portia asks Bassanio to finish all his business immediately and go to Venice with whatever amount of money he needs to save his dear friend. SHYLOCK Who is "the merchant" of Venice designated in the title--Antonio or Shylock (153 and 169)? Go with me to a notary, seal me there Your single bond; and, in … No, not take interest—not as you would say Directly interest. Bassanio would have the law abridged in this case, "To do a great right, do a little wrong" (210-211), but Portia has a plan that will subvert the … They set off to find Antonio and distract him from his sadness at Bassanio… Bassanio has to do little to persuade his friend for money. The way she gets ready to do everything within her means and control to save Antonio speaks of her generosity and kindness. Another proof of Antonio and Bassanio’s deep friendship comes in scene 3 of Act 1 when the two are before Shylock to ask him … Go with me to a notary, seal me there. And when the work of generation was Between … Mark what Jacob did: When Laban and himself were compromised That all the eanlings which were streaked and pied Should fall as Jacob’s hire, the ewes, being rank, In the end of autumn turnèd to the rams. Your single bond, and, in a merry sport, If you repay me not on such a day, (v) What does Portia ask Bassanio to do ? Go with me to a notary, seal me there Your single bond; and, in a merry sport, If you repay me not on such a day, In such a place, such sum or sums as are Express'd in the condition, let the forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound Solanio remarks that Antonio "only loves the world for" Bassanio (2.8.50). ANTONIO Why, fear not, man, I will not forfeit it! Bassanio had accused Gratiano that he was too wild, too rude and too loud. The seriousness of the Christian misunderstanding can be seen when Shylock makes the bond with Antonio: "This kindness will I show. He hopes on things going wrong with the merchant giving him power over him. Question 4. … These characteristics suit his personality and his friends do not mind his behaviour; but outside the friend circle, it may be considered too liberal, hence he should mend his habits if he is going to Belmont. BASSANIO You shall not seal to such a bond for me! SHYLOCK This kindness will I show. Tears welled (came) up in his eyes. Does Antonio rather like the idea of sacrificing himself for Bassanio's happiness (113-117)? What idea does this passage give you about the friendship between Bassanio … Bassanio tells Antonio that he will not have him make such an agreement on his account. This proves Antonio’s selflessness and that he considers Bassanio a brother. He adds that when Bassanio departed for Belmont, he overheard Antonio tell Bassanio not to worry about the money he had borrowed, but only to think of his courtship of Portia. He adds that he would rather remain as poor as he is now and do without his wants supplied at such a price. Bassanio assured Antonio that he would return as soon as possible. 4.
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