Kion swiftly uses the Roar of the Elders to clear a patch of rock on the lava, where Zazu lands, breaks free of his cage, and is able to take to the air. With the hyenas out of the way, Kion orders Beshte to push a large rock into the lava flow, which allows Jasiri and the pups to clamber to safety. Upon being questioned, the zebra reveals that he and the impalas had heard Kion instructing them to go to the Outlands for safety. Amani Lion. As she teeters carefully atop the boulder, keeping it from falling into the pit, the other Guard members rush in and engage the hyenas in a fight. The guard didn’t have a moment to lose. With Zazu free, the hyenas give up and retreat farther into the Outlands. This causes another argument between the two Lion Guards over who will help Thurston, until Azaad does the job for them. Bunga is unaffected and comments that all they have to do is be in two places at once, which gives Kion an idea. Once the herds are safe, they begin to complain about Kion, criticizing his choice to take them through the canyon. The friends travel to Big Springs, where Beshte shows off his home to his friends. Finally, Kion admits that they need to stop Bunga before it's too late. Kion is the only member of the main royal family whose name doesn't end with A, but ends with a consonant (not including his paternal grandmother or great-uncle). They take shelter in a canyon, but a loose rock tumbles down toward Kion. When Kion gives up his position as the leader of the Lion Guard to Vitani, his Lion Guard marking vanishes and is replaced with the Night Pride marking on his right shoulder. However, Kion's feelings for Rani and her offer for them to stay as guardians of the Tree of Life makes Kion hesitant to return, especially after Rani proposed to him. Kion studies Rafiki's paintings of Scar and the Roar of the Elders. With his staff, he shows that the zebra herd hadn't been running toward the rocks, but away from them after they'd fallen. Ono investigates the dried-up falls and informs Kion that a rock slide has caused a blockage downriver. The Lion Guard then enters the Pride Lands, determined to save their kingdom. After the talk, Kion returns to the herds with new energy, but they continue to gripe against him, refusing to trust him, until Muhimu speaks up and takes the blame for starting the stampede. They follow the commotion to where a large group of Pride Landers has gathered beneath a tree. In the Outlands, Kion and his friends reunite with Madoa, Cheezi, Chungu, and Mzingo. The two groups clash and are equally strong. Kion suggests cutting through Nyani Grove, which inspires Shujaa to charge through the grove and begin clearing a wide path. Just in time, Beshte appears beneath the struggling duo, and Ono drops the hyrax safely onto his friend's back. Kion returns to the herds the next day, and Ono reports a route that they can take to Mbali Fields. Disobeying his father's rules, his friends and family in danger, Kiara's arrogance, the Outlands, disrespect, arguments, being hostile toward his friends, animals disrespecting the Circle of Life, Bunga's recklessness, Rani's cynicism and stubbornness, Peacock Leader, Janja (formerly), Scar With Kion in the lead, the Lion Guard enters the Outlands and fights off the hyenas. Kion confronts Shujaa, whom he believes is hostile. Just then, Kion overhears Janja yelling for his new cronies, Nne and Tano. When Kion leads the Lion Guard into a canyon, Janja and his minions drop rocks on either side of them, trapping them in the ravine. Bunga comments that it is a good thing that Kion now possesses the Roar, but Kion only reluctantly agrees. A chameleon briefly appears before the team, then races away, blending in with her surroundings as she goes. Kion's Guard is the first and so far the only Lion Guard to have non-lion members and six members in total. Rani worries that this will prompt Kion to return to the Pride Lands, but Kion assures her that he and the Lion Guard will help defend the Tree of Life from Makucha's army first. While helping free the antelope with the rest of the Lion Guard, Kion is alerted by Ono that Simba has fallen into a sinkhole. Mufasa tells his grandson that the dry season is difficult because there is less food and water, which causes animals to make poor decisions. Twiga is quick to deny this assertion, and Vuruga Vuruga backs her up, with both acting suspiciously. The team asks him why he had left his territory again, and an ashamed Badili confesses that Mapigano had driven him out again. As Kion storms away from his sister, he encounters Mufasa, who encourages him to support Kiara. When the cubs react with puzzlement, Nala explains that "Udugu" is another word for "kinship" and that the two had found Udugu while working together to find her. Kion and the others find Bunga surrounded by a pack of red pandas who hail Bunga as "Sonnesen Khun." Bunga claims to know where Flat Ridge Rock is, and Kion sends Ono after his friends in order to ensure that they make it safely. They both end up being lost in an unknown place, and are stuck together with each other, until they can find their way home. The next day, the Lion Guard is patrolling through Embamba Canyon when they are once more met by terrified galagos. Unbeknownst to the Pride Landers, Scar's skinks overhear their plans to assault the Outlands. Pua pretends to be a mean crocodile surrounding Kion as the rest of the guard attempt to rescue him. 4.8 out of 5 stars 62. Amani Lion. Mbeya thanks Kion for helping him out of a dry ditch. When he attempted to move the bees to another location, which ended in a disaster, while he admitted this mistake to his friends, he refused to admit it to Kiara, due to the fact that he did not want to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she was right. The Lion Guard arrives in time to help, but Kion and Rani's dual leadership results in confusion. Again, the Guard frees him, and he runs away in terror of Bunga's smell. With his newfound determination, Badili scares off Mapigano, and the Lion Guard cheers for Badili's bravery. Simba worries that this is too long of a delay, but Fuli volunteers to lend her assistance in order to speed up the trip. Zito, however, refuses to help, staying behind to look after the mothers and their calves. The night before the attack, Pride Rock is attacked by Janja and his clan under Scar's order. Together, the five travel to the mudpots and play in the mud. The Lion Guard spots a group of hyraxes attempting to cross a rock bridge. When the Lion Guard is checking on a herd of cape buffalo, they realize that the herd has settled near a geyser. Later, Beshte laments Hodari's predicament to his team. Ono is called forward to help spy out a new water hole for the crocodiles, but while overlooking the Pride Lands, he sees that Makuu's followers have invaded the water holes. Just then, Ono alerts Kion to a new fire that has broken out at Ndefu Grove. All three looked down upon the new rulers with smiles that radiated like the sun. Kion urges Makuu to be kinder to his fellow Pride Landers, but Makuu leaves in a huff and vows to only look out for his own float if trouble should arise. Mtoto does as he is prompted and explains that someone is making a plan to strike just after sunset. Kion reassures the young animals that the Lion Guard will drive off the Zimwi. First, the team does an obstacle course, but when it's Mtoto's turn to dash through the water, he gets water in his trunk and sprays it all over Fuli. Reluctantly, Janja gives up the fight. Fuli accepts his offer, but when she arrives at the hunt, she's uninterested in hunting alongside Tiifu and Zuri, Kiara's air-headed friends. As Kion steps forward menacingly, Kovu begins to back away slowly and ducks down just in time to avoid the Roar. Once the Lion Guard reaches Pride Rock, Simba suggests that the team ask the aardwolves about the problem. The baboons realize that they have been caught and return to Uroho. This prompts the Lion Guard to head to the Tree of Life instead and chase away Makucha, Chuluun, and Ora, who are about to enter. Mjomba retorts that they should never have driven the pack out to begin with, and Kion apologizes for the mistake, admitting that he had mistaken the aardwolves for hyenas. Kion and Kiara survey the kingdom of the Pride Lands. During early development, Kion sported a paw print mark on his shoulder, as opposed to the finalized lion head. This prompted Kion to leave Pride Rock in search of healing. Kion is a male lion. Kion and his friends escape through an underwater tunnel. Though Kion tries to reassure Ono that the Lion Guard can get by without him, Ono insists on proving himself and attempts to show off his keen sight to his friends. Pinguino declares that Beshte had saved his life, effectively clearing Beshte's name. Across the savanna, the Pride Landers continue to train together. While Anga looks for Tuliza, Bunga inadvertently annoys Kion. Kion decides to use the Roar to defeat Vitani and her team, but is interrupted by Kiara's arrival. Life to Love. blah blah blah,(normal voice)whatever. She then attacks Makuu and orders Beshte and Bunga to take on the rest of the float. That night, after the royal family spends some time talking with Mufasa, Kion then confides with Kiara about Rani and how he misses her, and Kiara assures him that he'll be able to go to the Tree of Life again. Kion motioned for Rani to look up as well and together they saw not only Mufassa, but Rani's grandmother, the former queen, Janna, as well as the very first lion guard leader, Askari. Kion urges his father to pick Ono as the young Pride Lander to spend the day with Hadithi. The Lion Guard saves a pair of hyraxes from a dust devil. He looks into a pool of water and sees an image of Scar, which taunts him for his turn to evil. The group starts to break up and leave, but Kion calls them back. The Lion Guard sees Makuu training his float to fight and accidentally mistakes it for a real fight. Mtoto then demonstrates his great hearing to Lion and the Lion Guard and informs them that several important Pride Landers are heading toward Pride Rock. He then points out that all the Pride Landers had stood together in fighting off the jackals, just as the spirit of Kupatana encourages. Makini uses her Bakora Staff to bring a painting to life, which details how the original Lion Guard, led by Askari, had defeated a great evil by venturing deep into the Lair's chambers. Come nighttime, the hyenas attempt to block up the river, but the Lion Guard once more camouflages themselves and launches a surprise attack. Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to clear a pile of boulders. While looking for Makini and Ono, they are once again attacked by mongooses and easily defeat them again. They round up the vultures, and Kion uses his Roar of the Elders to banish them back to the Outlands. Horrified, he realizes that the rocks are going to fall on the zebra herd, and so with the Lion Guard's help, he steers the zebras to safety, and the rock falls harmlessly to the earth. Kion introduces Ajabu the okapi to his parents, Simba and Nala. Printed Media: Uru • Ahadi • Kopa • Boma • Kula • Zuzu • Joka • Lulu Finally, Kion creates a rainstorm that fills a dry riverbed, allowing the team to hitch a ride on a floating log. Kion speaks to the spirit of his grandfather, Mufasa. He bounds up a cliff to reach the tuliza, but slips and falls a great height to the snow below, prompting Kion and the others to check on him. As the team begins to lead their charges away from the watering hole, dry lightning strikes, trapping the animals in a ring of fire. No sooner has the Lion Guard escaped when Scar appears in the flames of Pride Rock and tells the Pride Landers to abandon their home. Beshte accepts the responsibility and heads out to clear paths through the Flood Plains, while the Lion Guard leads Basi to solid ground. Kion is the son and youngest child of Simba and Nala, the younger brother of Kiara, and the protagonist of The Lion Guard. The very thought of the genets spins him into a panic, and he takes off again into the forest. Kion accepts his grandfather's words, but as he goes back to rejoin his friends, he sees a wall of floodwater racing across the plains. Beshte reminds Mwenzi that Kifaru is his friend and explains that Kifaru is lost without his tickbird, to which Kion adds that Mwenzi is not doing much better on his own. The Lion Guard thanks him for the idea and then leaves to save the herd. After the fight, Bunga compliments Kion for his good leadership skills, and Nirmala agrees, adding that Kion's healing is complete. While Bunga, Fuli, and Ono set out to clear the grove of animals, Beshte and Kion confront Makuu. With Kion fully recovered, he and his friends are ready to return to the Pride Lands. As one, the Lion Guard faces off against the Zimwi. To make up for this, Kion offers the Lion Guard's service to help defend the Tree of Life, but is rebuked by Rani, who insists the Night Pride can handle things just fine. After rescuing Boboka's son, Kion hears Boboka's cries for help. From the sidelines, the cubs' parents, Simba and Nala, watch proudly. Since he is a Pride Lander, Kion decides that it is their duty to save him. Musical: Lioness Hunt • Rafiki Mourns • One by One • Grasslands Chant • Chow Down • The Madness of King Scar • Shadowland • Endless Night • Simba Confronts Scar Deleted: Diku • Baasho • Iggy • Herr Rhino • Kwashi • Bhati • Mheetu • Banagi • Daabi • Dwala • Naanda, Season One: "Boara Boara" • "Saskatchewan Catch" • "Kenya Be My Friend?" With the galagos riding on Beshte's back, the Lion Guard proceeds to the galagos' tree, where they see the leopard resting in its branches. While Simba is more rounded in appearance, Kion is robust and block-like, with a square jaw and a pronounced chest. Simba approaches, furious, and exclaims that Bupu and Makuu had been about to come to an agreement about sleeping situations for their respective species. Kion and Fuli then track Makini and Ono by scent. Back in the Pride Lands, Kion apologizes to Beshte for causing such a chaotic situation, but Beshte insists that Kion had only been trying to help.
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