It’s not what I’d call exact focus, but it’s close enou… I used a Pentax MV (aperture priority), set the aperture to f/8, the distance to something like 2.5m and knew that anything a couple of metres either side would be in focus (I forget the exat figures.) Everything from 2.75 feet to infinity will be sharp in a photograph taken with this lens focused at the hyperfocal distance. Then, once you’re done, focus manually at the right point in the frame. Stay Sharp & Keep Shooting! First, it’s annoying to carry a chart with you out in the field all the time. When focusing with any lens, what we tell the camera to do is to move an invisible mask back and forth along the visible area we can see through our viewfinder. hyperfocal distance is used in landscape photography to ensure largest DOF from near to infinity. Photographing larger objects and maintaining an interesting composition is easier. If you have been shooting in the Streets for quite a while, you have probably looked into these terms and even tried applying them to your shooting style. And the G9 makes it easy – just press UP on the 4-way controller and you get manual focus. Stay Sharp & Keep Shooting! I also find Zone focusing terribly helpful at night when shooting with a flash. Hello Leonardo. I don’t know if I got it right! Basically the calculations show you that if you focus at 2m you get 1.47m to 3.14m but IF you want to Hyperfocal, then you should switch to 5.45m and then you will get everything in focus from 2.75m onwards. Introduction. You might have even heard the term “Hyperfocal distance” too. but if the object is 2 meters away, won’t it be out of focus? Because while the hyperfocal distance will maximize your depth of field, it still may not give you enough depth of field to get the whole scene sharp at the aperture you’ve chosen. If you are in aperture priority mode though your zone focusing will change. It does not affect DoF or HFD. By focusing your lens on the hyperfocal distance, you’ll get the most sharpness throughout your photo. Without these 3 things, you can not set your Hyperfocal distance. Methods of Calculating the Hyperfocal Distance. Actually there are many iOS DoF calculating apps, but I just use the mobile site of since it is free and does it’s job just fine. Of course, we live in an age where free online dof calculators exist and with those we can control our Zone Focusing very easily! what is the difference? If you focus behind the hyperfocal distance, you may end up with a blurry foreground. So, for example, if I owned a Fuji X-Pro1 I would just use the Fuji X-Pro1 sensor size from the calculator to estimate my depth of field. Hyperfocal distance basically matters in two scenarios. In those situations, you do need to determine the hyperfocal distance, or at least learn to approximate it. 2016 ECSC East Coast Surfing Championship Virginia Beach VA longboard In the example you achieve Hyperfocal distance if you focus at 5.45m, not 2m. Let me share with you my personal definition of Hyperfocal distance. Hyperfocal distance is the point that allows the greatest depth-of-field for a given lens. Learn Zone Focusing and Hyperfocal Distance in Street Photography "How to" posts; by Spyros Papaspyropoulos - Sep 3, 2014. On your article “A guide to buying the best camera for street photography”, three people, including myself, wrote about this. Before we get to the actual distances involved, let’s talk about the concept in general. Give it a go! It now exists on their new website at, so I have updated it if you wish to visit it. Thank you. As you can see the description of the action is correct, so I just got that muddled up. Framing is done by a 35mm viewfinder plugged into the accessory shoe. Then look on the chart to find the point at which the depth of field will be maximized. Thanks. Then turn and focus on that wall and you are set. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hyperfocal distance as explained on Wikipedia, A Beginner’s Guide to Aperture and Depth of Field, The Monthly Theme Contest for September 2014 - The Colour Yellow, Review of the Moonlabs Tiny Flash (pre-production unit), StreetHunters Bookshelf: Street Sweeper Magazine,, Inside Jens F. Kruse’s Camera Bag – Bag No.195, Inside Bill Palmer’s Camera Bag – Bag No.194, Aperture at f8 at least, I will go for f11. This means that the hyperfocal distance will be greater for telephoto lenses than for wide-angle lenses so that the latter will have a greater depth of field in general. It is only natural. Thank you Mavritivs for the easy explanation! Even the fastest AF system can’t beat no focusing at all With Zone focusing that is exactly what you are doing. Hello Dan and thank you very much for your comment. Just as a follow up — for anyone else using Fuji X series cameras there is an Android app DoF X-Mount that will do the relevant calculations. When set to f8, the hyperfocal distance on the 28mm begins at 1.5 metres, whereas the hyperfocal distance on the 55mm set the same begins at around 5 metres. Somewhat disappointed in this article. So if you focus at the hyperfocal distance, you’ll end up with an image that’s sharp throughout (or, at least, the sharpest throughout). To know what will be in focus and how to set your zone, you need to know 3 things. Glad you enjoyed the post MisterGC and even happier that you found it easy to understand! So, all one has to do is to switch to manual and turn the focus ring until the correct distance is selected. I must have got confused looking at the DOF Master charts while writing my post. If you use a digital camera and you know your sensor size, just use a camera of the same make with the same sensor size to make your calculations. Hyperfocal distance is a popular technique used mostly with rangefinder cameras. However, those on Leica M lenses like the 3.5cm f3.5 Summaron are very easy to see and use. This is often going to be necessary when you’re shooting at high magnifications, because even a narrow aperture and a carefully determined hyperfocal distance won’t be enough. We review and compare the best gear, software, and prints. Hyperfocal Distance is the optimal distance you should focus your lens to achieve the greatest depth of field and have as much in focus as possible. You are right Mavritivs! In theory, since you are using an old manual lens, so “full frame” on a cropped sensor, you should make your calculations taking into account the crop factor, thus estimating using the effective focal length. I just started film photography after letting autofocus with my digital take control of my focusing for many years. Spyros thanks for taking the time to produce such a useful guide – the graphics are very helpful too. I use them most of the time, especially when I am out shooting with my Yashica Electro 35 CC that has a 35mm lens. Sorry for that and thank you very much for noting it for me! In optics and photography, hyperfocal distance is a distance beyond which all objects can be brought into an "acceptable" focus. Spyros, I realised after writing about the SLR above, I’ve also been doing a similar thing with my old Cybershot compact, just not calling it zone focusing. If everything looks sharp, then great–you’re good to go. Hello Stephen! Hyperfocal distance is not always enough. And if you focus in front of the hyperfocal distance, you may end up with a blurry background. The last set o… The hyperfocal distance can be a great tool for street photography, especially if you’re using a rangefinder camera. As for a specific Fuji DoF app, I can’t say. I guess I will stick to autofocus then because I have never managed to take a good quality photo in AV mode yet. The part of the image in front of the hyperfocal distance, that is also acceptably sharp, is half the distance to the focus point. Now that you’ve finished this article, you should feel confident in your ability to identify hyperfocal distances. So let’s start. A typical lens shows four sets of markings. If you have been shooting in the Streets for quite a while, you have probably looked into these terms and even tried applying them to your shooting style. You have to make sure that your subject is beyond the near limit (if not then select higher f-stop or smaller focal length). In fact, these days, it seems if you’re not at f/8, hyperfocal distance and sticking your camera and flash right up to somebody’s nose, then you’re not really doing street photography. . How to Use Your Camera, New York Institute of Photography, 2000. As for how to zone focus using a lens without markings, that is a great idea and indeed I should add that information in the post. Hyperfocal distance is all about maximizing your depth of field. A quick tip as to how to do this would be to measure one’s distance in feet in front of a wall. Can we say that every aperture has it’s own hyperfocal distance and the distance of the subject doesn’t matter in this case? Please check and correct,/update if possible. Never tried street photography before but reading this i’m going to give it a go. This is the depth of field scale. They are MD (1964-67) MDa (1967-77) and MD2 (1977-86). The glossary is very helpful, I agree. Yes, you have to be 2.7 meters at least from your subject for the specific settings I have used in my example. I was left with one question: When you say everything from 2.7meters onwards will be in focus to infinity, this means that I need to be 2.7 meters from my subject (at least) for him to be in focus? If you are using a Leica or Contax manual focus rangefinder, you’ll find the lenses marked and easy to read the hyper focal distance. Finally, choose the perfect aperture (as discussed in the next section). You set your camera to a certain distance and you don’t have to focus any more after that. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could could just set a starting point and then have everything from there onwards in focus? It’s a good point too that this is a way that we can use manual focusing lenses in a very quick and effective way – I imagine many people new to (street) photography would associate them with constant adjustment and fiddling about, and instead use autofocus. and then carry on using the TV mode or whatever I’m using at the time, without paying attention to aperture? Loved the article. Recall that everything from half your hyperfocal distance until infinity is in focus; so, to find the hyperfocal distance for a given scene, you can simply double the length between your lens and the closest object in your photograph. Thanks for sharing that with us Tony. I am really glad you found the post useful and even happier that you contributed to it with such a valuable comment! This isn’t an accurate way of zone focusing, but it works perfectly well, believe me I used to do this all the time with my SONY NEX-6 & SEL20F28 combo. Ah, but how do you *know* the distance to set for the hyperfocal length. And if you decide that determining the hyperfocal distance is necessary, go ahead and figure it out. Learn more in. When you’re out taking photos, I recommend you carefully observe your scene. 1. At f11 the hyperfocal distance for my 35mm lens is 3.79 meters so the flower would be very small in the frame. For example in the X70, if you set Aperture to 11 and focal distance to 1.5m, the zone focus should be from 0.80m to infinity, but that isn’t what it shows. PhotoWorkout is an online photography magazine. Old manual glass, has distance indicators on it, making the zone focusing easy to set if you have calculated your numbers. So the next time you’re out shooting, you’ll be able to capture the sharpest photos possible! How do you overcome that hurdle? Last but not least, you can take sharp photos while shooting the street at night using a flash! It is only dependent on the aperture and focal length of the lens. These lenses have a relatively short hyperfocal distance when set to larger f-numbers. However I can’t be sure unless I actually try this out, but I don’t have any Nikon lenses or cameras any more. As both bodies have straps, I can shoot continually without having to reload. Hyperfocal distance refers to the distance from your camera that maximizes depth of field. Although I am no expert in both topics, I played around with the DoF calculator (thanks for this link!) Stay Sharp & Keep Shooting! Stay Sharp & Keep Shooting! I highly recommend you visiting this page.
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