Stellar physics is in the wrong hands. But there is more: Arp found that the intrinsic redshift of a quasar or galaxy took discrete values, which decreased with distance from a central active galaxy. Einstein’s Special Theory was designed to define simultaneity in a universe where the fastest force or signal was restricted to the measured speed of detection of light from a distant source. It is far more effective than gravity in concentrating matter and, unlike gravity, it can remove excess angular momentum that tends to prevent collapse. J. R. Saul argues that medieval scholasticism was re-established during the 20th century. Matter cannot be created or annihilated. Yet astronomy is stuck in the gas-light era, unable to see that stars are simply electric lights strung along invisible cosmic power lines that are detectable by their magnetic fields and radio noise. There are no neutron stars or Black Holes. For many years principals of The Thunderbolts Project have called for systematic laboratory testing of the Electric Universe paradigm, including such key themes as the electric sun hypothesis and the electrical scarring of planets and moons. The Thunderbolts Podcast features interviews with prominent figures in plasma physics, mythology, biology, and other fields of interest related to the organization's goal of furthering our understanding of both science and history. The resulting internal electrostatic forces prevent stars from collapsing gravitationally and occasionally cause them to “give birth” by electrical fissioning to form companion stars and gas giant planets. The Electric Universe model grew out of a broad interdisciplinary approach to science. Original Post February 2, 2012. It does so by forming current filaments that follow magnetic field lines. Maxwell’s theory of acceleration, however, talks about a time variable field, not a fixed one, and what’s more the solar wind contains both positive … For those with a sense of history this fact should serve to increase curiosity rather than dull it. As we pass through the door, it is not fear that goes with us, but the exhilaration of discovery. Galaxies are plasma. The Big Bang theory is based on a misinterpretation of redshift. Although he was unable to explain at the time how this would create the observed stability of the solar system, with his uncanny prescience he had pointed the way to the Electric Universe. Why do we accept such science fiction as fact when an Electric Universe predicts spiral shapes, magnetic fields and jets? A simple calculation shows that the sub-particles that form an electron must travel at a speed far in excess of the speed of light – some 2.5 million light-years per second, or from here to the far side of the Andromeda galaxy in one second! Arp’s telescope time was denied, papers rejected, and he was forced to leave the US to pursue his work. Such plasmoids were sculpted by many ancient cultures when depicting Jupiter hurling his thunderbolt. Feb 20, 2016 - Explore Solar Kat's board "Thunderbolt Project- The Electric Universe", followed by 393 people on Pinterest. The Electric Universe is based more on observations and experiment than abstract theory. And narrow experts who never left school do their glossy media ‘show and tell,’ keeping the public in the dark in this ‘dark age’ of science. We are not hopelessly isolated in time and space on a tiny rock, orbiting an insignificant star in an insignificant galaxy. Other denizens of the particle “zoo” are merely transient resonant states of the same charged sub-particles. Common sense, observation, and parsimony of hypotheses all suggest that the electrostatic model of gravity (see below) is superior. This is obvious when the Sun is looked at from an electrical discharge perspective. This unnecessary complication of space is then added to the current metaphysical concepts of what constitutes the mass of an object. The more massive an object, the more the electrostatic force contributes to the elastic deformation of its protons, neutrons and electrons, rather than their acceleration. Instead of being “spooked” by the concept of action-at-a-distance, like most physicists this century, the Electric Universe accepts it as an observational fact. Lines in the spectrum of that galaxy show a shift toward the red compared with the same lines from our Sun. The simplest answer is that lightning is not generated there at all. Hemispheric differences in cratering are expected in this model. Varying the gas mixture, pressure, voltage and current (direct current), facilitates various kinds of plasma discharges. There is no “zero-point” vacuum energy. The matter inside stars becomes positively charged as electrons drift toward the surface. Recent results from mapping the magnetic field of a spiral galaxy confirm the electric model. It seems that when a dwarf star or gas giant planet “gives birth” to a rocky satellite, parent and child usually remain closely bound. Thunderbolts Picture of the Day | Archive FAR DISTANCE RUN AROUND January 4, 2012. lightning, St Elmo’s Fire), and the known properties of plasmas (ionized “gases”) which make up 99.999% of the visible universe, and react strongly to electro-magnetic fields. The only visible evidence remaining would be an electric arc crater like Meteor Crater in Arizona. 2 Thunderbolts project, Electric Universe theory I know a lot of people will react to this video with general contempt and anger but please leave comments of disagreement to just that, no need to to belittle people for even considering differing opinions. Unexpected, elaborate structure has sprung to life in radio, infrared, ultraviolet, and X-ray wavelengths. For those with the courage to see clearly, the required “unlearning” of fashionable ideas carries no real cost whatsoever. is the main Electric Universe theory site, forum, blog, videos … basically the main site for everything that is EU theory!. Plasma physicists and electrical engineers are best able to recognize plasma discharge phenomena. Fans of the electric universe, for example, flood my inbox with links and demands based upon YouTube videos. The problem with the Electric Universe Theory is not with the theory itself, but with some of the people that support and promote it. His method was forensic in that he looked for reports of physical events of a highly unusual nature that were nonetheless corroborated globally by totally separate cultures. Evidence of past planetary instabilities is written large on the surfaces of all solid bodies in the solar system. But there are plenty of the well-endowed, thank God, and I am firmly convinced that most of them live quiet, unobtrusive lives.” THE ELECTRIC UNIVERSE THEORY...AND THE COMING PARADIGM SHIFT BY DR. GHADA CHEHADE This is the final article in my series on the appeal of the electric universe theory (EUT) to … Wal experienced first-hand the indifference and sometimes hostility toward a radical challenge to mainstream science. They are of a certain importance in the nucleus. The answer seems to lie in the propensity for mathematical theory to supersede common sense and observation. Dissent is discouraged so that many of the brightest intellects become bored and drop out. It was said his theory didn’t obey Newton’s laws. It will appear that gravity alone organized the cosmos and now keeps it running. With the courage to see clearly, the adventure itself could well be “the most merciful thing in the world”, adding new insights into the greatest dramas of early human history and vital perspective to humanity’s situation in the cosmos. The Electric Universe explores how electricity influences everything around us, from the electricity that powers your brain, to the lethal discharges of the average thunderbolt, to the beauty of the auroras, to the electrified plasma that makes up 99.999% of the visible universe.The EU suggests that electricity plays a more significant role in the universe than is usually credited, and it can be tested … The weirdness of quantum theory has been attributed to the subatomic scale to which it applies. The Electric Universe model is a coherent “Big Picture” of our situation in the universe, spanning many disciplines. So we turn to particle physics. Living on the surface of the earth,we notice little of these electromagnetic forces, we only feel gravity pulling us down, but imagine floating in space as a charged particle with pushing and pulling forces all around; that will be some ride!~Gerard Bik, The Netherlands, The EU is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary model that is built upon electric engineering, plasma physics, chemistry, biology, and geology. But now that we have quantum effects in something the size of a galaxy, this convenient nonsense is exposed. The vacuum chamber enables an electric discharge to be created, not too dissimilar from that created in a fluorescent light. The Big Bang is already dead! The Electric Universe takes a simplifying leap by unifying the nuclear forces, magnetism and gravity as manifestations of a near instantaneous electrostatic force. List and guides to their free documentary videos, daily Space News videos and especially their printed books and ebooks about EU theory. Such craters are universally misinterpreted as impact craters. Thunderbolts Project information and reviews of their Electric Universe theory. The Electric Universe model is an interdisciplinary approach to astronomy and the sciences, which considers electricity to play a more significant role in the shaping of our universe and our history, than generally accepted.The model is founded on plasma physics, but includes some radical proposals:. Antimatter is a misnomer since it too is formed from the same sub-particles as “normal” matter except that the total charge is mirrored. The EU is a growing body of fact and theoretical interpretation—a new perspective on the cosmos. It seems simpler and more sensible to suggest that both nuclear and chemical energy is released or absorbed by the rearrangement of the resonant orbits of charged particles. with a roof! But relativity reduces to classical physics in a universe where the electrostatic force has near-infinite speed. We have no idea of the age or extent of the universe. Only gravity could produce galaxies and massive clusters of galaxies. His discovery sounded the alarm in some halls of Academe and since nobody likes a loud noise – particularly if they are asleep – the knee-jerk response was to attack the guy with his finger on the alarm button. And for the sceptics, subdued electric arc machining of a planet-sized body continues to this day on Jupiter’s innermost moon, Io. This difficulty is aggravated by fragmentation of the process by which information is gathered and evaluated. However, the astronomer Halton Arp has shown that the redshifts of entire galaxies are quantized which requires some form of near instantaneous, galaxy-wide communication at the sub-atomic level. Capture of our Moon becomes the only option, it cannot have been created from the Earth. He was the technical support for the computing facilities in the Research Schools at the Australian National University, which gave him excellent access to libraries and scientists there. However, his basic premise of planetary encounters has been confirmed and the details fleshed out to an extraordinary degree. History repeats itself – and that includes the history of science. TPOD Archive Legacy Chronological 07/2004 – 09/2011, TPOD Archive Legacy by Subject 07/2004 – 09/2011, Thunderbolts Forum v2.0 Archive (pre 2020), Thunderbolts Forum Registration Application, Thunderblogs Archive Legacy Chronological 01/2005 – 07/2011, Wal Thornhill: Understanding Human Nature | Thunderbolts. We all know that electricity powers our lights, runs our computers and, in an unleashed form, creates static shocks and awe-inspiring lightning bolts. 100 years later, we’ve come back to a functional cosmology that is once again more than simply ‘astrophysics’. Our solar system, with its widely spaced orbits and chaotic features, appears to be the result of a recent cosmic “traffic accident”. Electric Universe (EU) is an umbrella term that covers various pseudo-scientific cosmological ideas built around the claim that the formation and existence of various features of the Universe can be better explained by electricity and magnetism than by gravity alone. Plasma has been called the “fourth state” of matter, after solids, liquids and gases. List and guides to their free documentary videos, daily Space News videos and especially their printed books and ebooks about EU theory. The answer may be found in the inertia of prior beliefs and the failure of our educational institutions. Modern telescopes can now view these events at high resolution and across the full electromagnetic spectrum. A sunny day is electric. 3. In a broadly interdisciplinary inquiry such as this, communication itself can pose quite a challenge. DNA does not hold the key to life but is more like a blueprint for a set of components and tools in a factory. A positive charge and negative charge attract each other, but similar charges repel. Wal worked for 11 years with IBM Australia. But for those who instinctively seek out unifying principles, the new horizons will be at once breathtaking and hopeful. The cosmic magnetic fields simply delineate the electric currents that create, move and light the galaxies. Most of the redshift is intrinsic to the object. Electric discharges between closely approaching bodies takes the form of “thunderbolts of the gods”, or distinctively shaped helical plasmoids. It explains simply the powerful electric jets seen issuing along the spin axis from the cores of active galaxies. The general Electric Universe theories of electromagnetic plasma powered stars not nuclear, include the Thunderbolts Project Anode Sun Model of an Electric Sun. That is happening on Venus (although the sky certainly isn’t blue). Then by applying scientific knowledge of cause and effect, it was possible to build a very detailed model of the sequence of those events. So the electrostatic force must act at a speed which is almost infinite on our scale for the electron to be stable. Such a simplification may suit a theoretical physics based on electrical neutrality of matter in Earthly laboratories but it does not apply in space where plasma dominates. Before entering university, he had been inspired by Immanuel Velikovsky through his controversial best-selling book, Worlds in Collision. This strange, dogmatic oversight guarantees that nothing will remain in future of the fanciful Big Bang theory or the simplistic story of the formation of the solar system. The isolated islands we once imagined in space do not exist. It is not the most hospitable place for life since small changes in the distant Sun could freeze or sterilize the Earth. The filaments of magnetized and radiating matter between stars and between galaxies are plasma. Order linkThe Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars. We know nothing of the origin of the universe. Everything we now see is connected by the universal dance of charged particles.~David Talbott, The Thunderbolts Project, Essential Guide to the Electric Universe – Introduction, The Electric Universe by Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott — Chapter 1, Thunderbolts of the Gods by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill — Chapter 1, Dr. Michael Clarage: Our Universe — It’s Electric! The survivors of global upheaval felt it imperative that the memory be preserved and passed down faithfully to future generations in the expectation that the “gods” would return. NASA is also unknowingly exploring this theory and testing by implication other scenarios of electromagnetic stars and plasma stars, these include the possibility of electrical cathode suns etc. EU2017: Future Science -- Rebroadcast — only $29: https://www.electricuniverse.liveWhere does gravity fit in the electric universe? Radiant energy is then evenly distributed over the entire surface of any planet orbiting within the chromosphere of such a star, regardless of axial rotation, tilt, or orbital eccentricity. Open a standard textbook in astronomy and read the discussion of galaxies, stars and planets. In fact, we are entirely ignorant of what constitutes the mass of an object. It works with real-world physics. "Electric universe" theory is at odds with everything modern science has determined about the universe. We find electricity indispensable. The chamber contains an electrode, usually a ball-shaped positively-charged anode, surrounded by a cathode. We don’t know the ultimate source of the electrical energy or matter that forms the universe. Later, Hannes Alfvén the Swedish Nobel Prize winning physicist, with a background in electrical engineering and experience of the northern lights, drew the solar circuit. Nor can they account for abundant evidence of fresh looking planetary cratering and scarring. At the level of the atom, the Electric Universe model takes a lead from the work of Ralph Sansbury, an independent New York researcher. It is no coincidence that Scandinavian scientists led the way in showing that we live in an Electric Universe. The model is able to successfully account for the observed shapes and dynamics of galaxies without recourse to invisible dark matter and central black holes. See the news items on my website for many successful predictions about the discoveries that would be made as close-up images of Io became available. I'm just playing around to setup a comparison between Vakum/empty space as we treat it now and the theory of the electric universe … They were the inspiration for pyramids, megaliths, statues, totems and sacred rock art. See more ideas about electric universe, theories about the universe, space news. Consequently the Sun has weather patterns. This image (left) is a NASA artist’s view of lightning on Venus during the descent of one of the Pioneer probes. Chances are, you’re probably familiar with standard models of cosmology. Yet the question is hardly ever asked, let alone answered, “what produces the observed stability of the solar system?” Velikovsky was convinced that the clue lay in his discovery that electrical forces dominate the incredibly weak force of gravity at times of planetary close encounters. Chapter 1 — What Is the Electric Universe? The electricity courses invisibly in the darkness over great distances along thin power lines. Several pioneering researchers in this new field now agree that awe-inspiring planetary encounters did occur in pre-history. While he truth around the Electric Universe Theory might never be accepted or proven, it will never be eradicated. We humans are better storytellers than scientists. Stellar evolution theory and the age of stars is an elaborate fiction. The resulting properties are measured with a wide variety of diagnostics, in… Most revolutions in science have come from people who taught themselves outside the academic system and were not constrained by the fallacies and fashions of the day. For me, enlightenment began with the controversial polymath and author of Worlds in Collision, Immanuel Velikovsky. No empty space exists. If so, the new “Enlightenment” will have to come, as before, from outside academia. Real-time communication over galactic distances may be possible. Back in 1879, the very notion of ‘prehistoric cave art’ was unheard of. Not much really just a relative large space in a closed system, around it, like a big outdoor stadium. We live in an electric world. “We have to learn again that science without contact with experiments is an enterprise which is likely to go completely astray into imaginary conjecture.” There is more to life than chemistry. So, one of the more important properties of a plasma is that it can conduct electrical current. Therefore time is universal and time travel is impossible. Supernovae are totally inadequate as a source of heavy elements. We may never be able to read the human genome and tell whether it represents a creature with two legs or six because the information that controls the assembly line is external to the DNA. By accepting data over a far wider span of knowledge and human existence than conventional cosmology allows, the Electric Universe model began to provide pragmatic and common sense answers to many questions that seem unrelated. ~ H. P. Lovecraft. List and guides to their free documentary videos, daily Space News videos and especially their printed books and ebooks about EU theory. And it certainly could not answer the obvious question, “why do the skies look so peaceful now?” This allowed a dogmatic response by academia to Velikovsky’s seminal breakthrough. The Thunderbolts Project January 18 at 12:40 PM Thunderbolts Picture of the Day | Archive ARISTARCHUS January 18, 20 ... 12 The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is providing more evidence for the Electric Universe theory.
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